it has been a few weeks now since I was brought home. My name used to
be Ben but my new Mom and Dad changed it to Koby and, with the help of
a few treats, I know they are talking to (or about) me when I hear
it. Dad thinks I am really smart because I learned my new name very
quickly and I know that when he snaps his fingers and points to my
back, I am supposed to sit down. Little does he know, I am just doing
it for the treats! He wants me to lay down when he says "Down" but, I
keep trying to tell him that I am only 5 months old and I don't want
to lay down, I want to play!! But, he won't listen so, I am pretty
close to just laying down … besides, I think it means I get more
treats and I LOVE treats!!
have 3 feline sisters who don't want to play with me. I keep asking
them to play but they just growl and hiss at me. Sometimes they even
try to hit me but Mom and Dad have told me that I am not allowed to
hit back because I am too big. It's okay that they don't play with me
because I have a LOT of canine friends in the neighbourhood that I get
to play with … there's Callie, James, Bella and Rusty … we have so
much fun together! Mom and Dad think Callie is my girlfriend because
we play the best together. My big sister, Jessica, walks with me
after school and sometimes plays with me on the floor too.

weekend, Mom and Dad took me to the doctor for a check up and a couple
of needles. I didn't like the needles but they told me I did well
anyway. My tail has healed pretty good … thank you to everyone at the
SPCA for taking care of my tail. It was hurting a lot and now it
doesn't hurt anymore. Lots of people on our street think I am really
cute without my tail. Sometimes when we are out walking, people call
out my name and come running out to the street just to see me and this
makes me feel pretty special!!

see … what else?? Oh yeah, Dad bought me a new food called Orijen and
I love it! Even Dad tasted it first to make sure it was okay!
Sometimes he is so silly I think maybe he is a puppy just like me. I
am not having as many accidents in the house but, when I do, Mom
blames Dad … hahaha … because my accidents usually only happen after Dad
and I have been wrestling on the floor. Like Mom says, I am only a
puppy and I pee when I get really excited but I am getting much better
at telling Mom and Dad that I need to go out before the accidents

and Dad took some pictures of me and they are included with this
message. I am looking forward to seeing all of you soon because I
think Dad wants to come over this weekend to walk some of my old
friends … and I am coming too. He takes me everywhere because I love
riding in the car.
for helping me find a fun and loving family,
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