name is Kuma, formally Cassie, and I was born on February 8, 2009.
Since my adoption last spring, my new family has taken real good care
of me, as I was sickly for many months. With lots of love and
patience, bad tasting medicine, cone heads, carpet cleaning solution,
good tasting medicine and many vet visits, I am now a healthy, happy
I live with my folks and sister, Jasmine, a 12 year old feline, who
enjoys playing, while I do my very best to be gentle as I have
outgrown her, ten times over!

Some of my favourite things include Conroy Pitt, food and playing
“chuck it”, playing in the water, snow, grass, pretty much playing
anywhere … I’m super intelligent, beautiful and working on grace! I’m
learning new tricks and can also impersonate Elvis!
I want to send a big thanks to the Aylmer SPCA for taking me in when I
was a wee pup in need, to the staff I send big sloppy kisses and a
special thank you is sent to Gaetan, who was my foster Pa.

I’ll keep in touch in the near future with more updates …
Always hoping to meet my siblings … my e-mail is
slybrn@sympatico.ca - actually it’s my folks, but they would
love to hear.

Update June ’10 …
Kuma just had her annual vet check and has been doing fine since her
claw amputation this past February. She also got a chance to
meet her sister, Candy - wow, they look so much alike, although Kuma
outweighs her by about 15-20 pounds! Sending a couple of pics
from that day and one at home relaxing ...

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