I have always wanted a dog. As a child I would knock on all of
my neighbours' doors and ask to
‘borrow’ their dogs for walks and to play in my backyard.
Unfortunately, because of family allergies, I was never allowed to
have one of my own. When I did finally live on my own I never felt as
though I had the right home or lifestyle to adopt.
Finally, just last year in 2012, it seemed that all the stars had
aligned and the timing was right. I researched several different
adoption agencies, contemplated buying a puppy from a breeder and
looked all over Kijiji. I visited with 9 dogs altogether but
just didn’t feel like I had found ‘the
one’. Then one day in June, I took my two children to the SPCA of
Western Quebec just to see who was waiting to be adopted. I was
already quite familiar with all of the pictures on their website but
none of the dogs really stood out for me or the kids. We decided
to check them out anyway and at best walk a
few just for the fun of it. I had no expectations.
We looked at each dog one-by-one and of course it wasn’t until the
very end when we looked at the
last dog in line that we locked eyes with a little brown Chihuahua
named Max. Before I could say anything at all my 4-year-old son
blurted out, “I like that guy!”. He took the words right out of my
mouth. I would even argue that little Max was thinking the same
thing about my son. It just felt right. We took him for a
walk and it was clearly a match made in heaven. When I watched
my 14-month-old daughter give Max a dog-treat and saw how gentle he
was with her I said, “This is it! This dog belongs with us!".
took him home the same day and my son named him Lego. We had a very
short adjustment period which was mostly about teaching my children
how to behave appropriately around animals and respect their space,
but it was also about teaching Lego who was first in command since he
clearly though he
was! ;)
Things had gone so well that 4 months later we found ourselves
contemplating adopting another dog. I went through the same
process of contacting adoption agencies and keeping my eye out for the
right little mutt to join our family. Since we had had so much luck
at the SPCA I decided to go back and see who might be waiting for us
this time around. Sure enough there I found Leo, a little
Pomeranian/Corgi mix as timid as can be all the way from Iqaluit. I
spent a week and a half back and forth to the SPCA visiting with and
walking Leo before I finally took him home and named him Orko, after
the shy but brave and magical character from the He-Man cartoon
This time our adjustment period was a little different as Orko was so
proud of his new home that he wanted to make sure he marked his
territory accordingly. After a week of showing him that peeing
outside was much more fun than peeing inside, he finally agreed.
Now, thanks to the warm and wonderful support of the volunteers at the
SPCA of Western Quebec and a little bit of patience from everyone,
human and canine, we are one big happy family!

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