Jennifer and all of the wonderful volunteers:
you so much for your help and advice in finding the perfect dog for
our family – Lizzie, a border collie cross. She is wonderful
and continues to amaze us.
She is
smart and very loving. She loves everybody, as a matter of fact,
including all dogs and cats. I take her to the Experimental Farm
at least twice daily where she has an off-leash play time. She has
been really good on recall although we are starting obedience classes
next Monday. Certainly part of the classes will be to teach me as I
have a feeling she knows more commands than I do! If she enjoys this
experience, I think I may work her up to agility classes. I think
they would be fun for her.
has the run of the house as the border collie part of her – amazing
jumping skills – meant she scaled the gate we put up to keep
her confined to the kitchen. However, she has been excellent in the
house although I think she is sleeping on the couch, despite having a
very nice dog bed, when we are not at home. She also sneaks up onto
my bed at night once I am sleeping. I woke up this morning with a
very comfortable looking dog sprawled on her back beside me. I think
she thinks looking particularly cute will mean she can sleep there
every night! She may be right…

went to the vet this week, had her spaying stitches removed
and received the remainder of her shots. The vet said she is very
healthy and that I was fortunate to have found such a lovely dog. She
displayed no fear while there and loved all the technicians, receiving
lots of treats in return.
again for all your help and adding a big dose of happiness to our
family in the form of Lizzie, a truly lovable and loving dog.
Update December '08 ...
She is
absolutely the best dog I have ever owned. We are so lucky to have
adopted her. Last Sunday night I took her with me to our weekly
family dinner gathering since she loves to go in the car and loves
being around people. There were four children under the age of 5 and
7 adults - a very busy environment. After saying hello to everyone
including one slightly fearful child, which she immediately recognized
and respected, she slept at my feet and then rested under the table
while we ate. She wasn't there to beg for food, just wanted to be
close to me. I noticed that she did a "floor crumb sweep" after we
had all finished eating.
I am fortunate enough to live across from one of the fields of the
Experimental Farm so we are there at least three, if not four, times a
day. She is popular with all the dog owners because of her naturally
sweet character. She is in fantastic shape - slim and solid muscle as
she loves fetching her "chuck it" ball and playing frisbee. If I had
the inclination, she would be a winner on Top Dogs. She performs
stunning leaps in the air to catch the ball or frisbee and loves every
second of it. I am still feeding her more than the guidelines as she
burns a tremendous amount of calories while playing. She clearly
demonstrates that I could be in fabulous condition if I sprinted along
with her! So far only one other dog can keep up with her - a border
collie who runs constantly with his owners. We also discovered this
summer that she loves swimming and she experienced many fun-filled
hours of retrieving her water toy. Next summer we hope to take her
She has free rein in the house during the day and has never destroyed
or damaged anything. She has a seat by the front window where she can
keep an eye on the street and watch out for bunnies and squirrels.
She loves to play games in the house as well and is always up for a
"chase me" game. She has become much more vocal - not that she barks
but she makes small noises as if she is trying to talk to us. She is
quite the little personality.
Thanks again for facilitating the addition of Lizzie to our
household. She is loving and very loved in return.
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