We really appreciate your message (Louis, because you called him
I'm a happy man, and I'm pretty sure that Louis is a happy boy. The
staff at
SPCAWQ are doing a wonderful job that you should be very proud of. I'm
and impressed with how the staff assisted me through this experience.

Update November '14
Louis is still a happy boy and exploring all kinds of new places. Lots
and lots of fresh air and exercise. His personality is a pleasure to
be around and makes me laugh everyday (that's what Louis says about

Update February '15
Louis had his first trip to the United States. He explored some
awesome trails in the Adirondack Mountains around Lake Placid, New
York. The picture is Louis atop Owls Head Mountain. Louis sends his
love. (he has more than enough for everyone)

Update March '15
Louis is enjoying his second trip into the USA. Lots of mountains and
wild. Too much fun.

Update September '15
pics of Louis enjoying the outdoors.

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