The first 24 hrs
are over and Lloyd is doing really well.
I think we’re
changing his name to Lucas and he seems to be responding to that
We have thoroughly
explored the 4 acres we have along with every inch of the house.
He was clean in his
crate last night. He seems happy to have his own “safe place” to go

Already Lucas is a
hit with my other two dogs and he slept very well in his crate
last night alongside Morgan and Kellie.
We stopped at a
friend’s house on the way home yesterday and she has a pool. Lucas
had a ball cooling off and boy can he swim. He just loved the water
and was very excited and very happy.
Thanks. ...

He and Morgan, my
5yr old Springer are going to be firm playtime buddies - they both
love to play fetch. Lucas has explored just about the whole property.
He's eating well, being very good in his crate and clean. He lets us
know when he wants out to go outside. He's just settling in so well.
And, yes, you guys are right, he just loves to snuggle. I can
understand why all of you thought of him as a special boy. The big
hug from all of you has been delivered. He's chilling out today
because it's very hot. We have a couple of kiddie pools for the dogs
to keep cool. ...

Lucas has been in
the family for just over 4 weeks. He's settled in really well
and is enjoying the company of my 14 yr old female Brittany as well as
my 6 yr old male Springer. I'll let you have new pictures soon.
Lucas is a really nice dog and has had some obedience. I'll be
starting some refresher obedience classes shortly and then agility
towards the end of September.

Here is a picture
of Lucas hanging out in the kitchen.
Lucas is doing well
at his refresher obedience class. He was nervous the first class as
the surroundings were all new to him and new dogs to meet.
On Sat morning he
had his first agility class and had lots fun especially going through
the tunnel and the teeter-totter. Next class he gets to try out the
Lucas continues to
enjoy being part of our family. He is such an affectionate dog and
has a typical Brittany personality.
He and Morgan (6yr
Springer Spaniel) love playing fetch together especially if they lose
the ball in the long grass and have to scent out the ball. It’s such
a pleasure to see him happy and doing what he loves to do.
The walks in the
woods are more and more enjoyable at this time of year. Lucas is
getting along with all his doggie friends that walk with us a couple
of times a week. The dogs include 2 aussies and a husky plus, from
time to time, one or two foster dogs.
Valerie H.

Update February ’11 …
Here's a picture of Lucas (aka LLoyd) from last April 2010. He's
doing really well and living a great life with his buddies Morgan
(Springer) and Sienna (American cocker spaniel). He's such a
great Brittany but suffers from separation anxiety which I'm able to
manage to a degree. I'm so glad I found him at the Aylmer
shelter. I'll have had him 4 yrs in the summer.
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