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My name is Lucie.  I was originally from Iqaluit, but have now found my forever family in Ottawa.  Since July, I have done so much with them.  I’ve travelled by car through Quebec and Labrador to Newfoundland.  I hiked in L’Anse-aux-Meadows, Gros Morne and even part of the East Coast trail!  I loved the fresh seafood while in Newfoundland!






I am gradually getting over my dislike of water and have taken up canoeing, even going through rapids (in my life jacket of course)!






My favourite part of the day is our morning run.  Saturday mornings are extra special as we go for long hikes in the Gatineau Park, where I get to wear my favourite perfume, DEER POO!!!  I can’t wait for the winter when I will try skijoring!






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