Lucky is doing great. He is
off the leash and knows the area pretty well now. He knows where
he can and where he can't go. He even finds loopholes to get
where he wants off-property. And he is a really bad hunter.
I know he'd never run away because he'd starve in a day.

He will
be meeting up with his friend Chico (who he didn't like before) and
I'm hoping that in this setting he will be better. They met one
other time at his house and they almost fought then too if it wasn't
for leashes. Cross our fingers. Hopefully they don't have
too much of a scrum before they become friends.

He has found a
new best buddy though - Ryder. He is a big, fat husky.
Lucky gets along and sometimes antagonizes the other dogs here too.
He really likes to play. I can't even get in the door, he
head-butts me back outside to play.
Ray B.

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