4 years have passed since I was first introduced to a very neglected,
abused and fearful Doberman named Lulu. Though her future seemed
rather bleak, her story is one that gives all dogs with an abusive
past some hope, as well as potential owners.
Lulu could be considered a lost cause to most. She only lucked in by
being accepted at a no kill shelter as if not, she would not be here
today. Lulu came from a very abusive background. She was beaten into
aggression, deprived of food, water and shelter, and was given next to
no positive human contact. For a dog that has lived such a life for 4
years, one would think that the turnaround would be almost impossible
as she never knew nor understood an act of kindness.
Lulu was a 'recovery mission'. When I first met her she was
unapproachable and her response seemed that of pure aggression. I
made sure that I did not push myself on her as everything seemed to
threaten this dog. Every day I went in to see this beautiful lost
soul, hoping that today was the day that we would communicate in a
more accepting manner. I figured out that she was treat motivated.
From that day forward our worlds changed. Little by little, day by
day, Lulu would take an extra step towards me ... or rather the treat,
until one day she took it directly from my hand. This was the moment
I was hoping for; she was now learning that I could be trusted, and I
learnt I could trust her.
As the days and weeks passed I eagerly went to the shelter to meet up
with this beautiful creature. Every day we made progress. She looked
forward to me, and I to her. I knew that Lulu would be a challenge if
I adopted her but I was willing to make that lifelong commitment to
her. Her eyes were starting to soften, her demeanor started to change
and I began to see a different dog that had a lot of potential and
eagerness to become 'normal'.
The day came where Lulu entered my life as one of my own. It was not
easy, but with patience, commitment, and gentle understanding, Lulu
became a wonderful companion. It has taken awhile for her to trust as
life with me was a new experience every day. Lulu now lives with dogs
and cats, and another human. We can take Lulu on vacations and she
interacts nicely with everyone. She showed me the power of
forgiveness, hope and perseverance. She learned from me, and I have
learned volumes through her.
turns out that her spirit was never broken, it was lost. What
is lost can be found if effort is put forth. Lulu is a perfect
example that all dogs, given the opportunity, can be saved from their
own mental and physical anguish. It's about never giving up and never
asking more than can be delivered. With time and patience
anything can be accomplished. Her valuable lesson to me was that of
compassion and patience. My valuable lesson to Lulu is that love
conquers all.
Thank you SPCAWQ for taking a chance on this fabulous gal. Life began
for all of us 4 years ago.
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