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We adopted our dear girl from you in June 2011, she has brought so much joy to our home.  She has thrived quite well in the time since.  Macie has gained three pounds and lots of personality since we brought her home.  She was totally house broken and trained, which was a nice

On the way back from Aylmer, we stopped to buy her supplies at the pet store.  We put a few beds on the ground and she chose hers ... the funny thing was she didn’t want to get out of it ... so we took it home and it is the place that she sleeps at night.



She is kind and so loving ... everyone is amazed at how good she is.  We have a dear neighbour who we “share custody” of Macie with; she gladly takes her when we need to go away and loves our little girl as much as we do.

She has a fenced yard and three barks.  One to say let me in, one to say play with me if kids go by, and one to say I’m big and strong if a big dog goes by (this from safely behind her fence).

We just wanted to let you know how happy we are to have found her, and I think that she is quite fond of us too.

Dave & Marie



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