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As promised, here is a photo of Lamara.  This is the best of the lot that I took today during my lunch break.  I decided to drop in on our kitten and see how she is making out. She is a busy girl and not one for posing for pictures!  She is starting to feel more relaxed. 

I have contained her to my kitchen at the moment as there is a large patio door, for her to look out at and there are doors that keep her safe.  She has rejected sleeping in the basket I bought her and has opted for sleeping on my kitchen chair or in her carrier.  She is eating well and using the litter box.  She is also showing more affection. 

Last night, the word must have gone out in the neighbourhood that there is a new cat on the block as
there were 3 cats and 1 raccoon that visited by back step.  Our little one was safe behind the glass door but she was fascinated by all the visitation.  In short, she is coming along quite nicely.

Thank you for everything, as I am so enjoying my little bundle.




Update August '14

Attached are the latest pictures of Maddy.  She continues to do well and particularly enjoys visits to my backyard.  She is always on a lead when going outside.





I took her to the vet last week and they discovered that her glands were a little swollen.  Maddy was put on antibiotics for 1 week.  Since this time her eyes no longer water as much and she has a lot of energy.  The vet found her to be in very good health.





We are settling into a very good routine and Maddy is getting very confident in her new home!

Thank you for allowing me to adopt this sweet little girl.

All the best!




Update November '14

I thought I would touch base with you to let you know that Maddy (Maddison) has truly settled into her forever home.  She really enjoys being outside (under supervision).  She has also increased her confidence level.  As you may remember, she recently celebrated her 1 year old birthday.





Update January '15

Attached please find pictures of little Maddy that were taken last week.  As you can see she is doing very well and feels very much at home!





She really enjoys chasing and playing with foam balls.

I am so happy that she is part of my family.

Wishing everyone well at the SPCA!





Update August '15

Maddy and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary on July 26.  I thought you might be curious as to how she is enjoying her life.  Please see the attached photo.  As you can see, Maddy loves the outdoors and I need to keep a careful watch out so she does not wander.  She is pretty good about staying in my eyesight.

She is a lovely little girl and I am happy she came into my life.




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