came to us on May 17th, 2008. She was quiet, polite and
mild-mannered from the start. She met Mylo, our then 3 month old
malamute/husky mix, and took the role of the puppy's mother. To
this day if Mylo gets wet, Madison will lick the drops off her coat :)
Even though Maddie is very dominant, she respected that Mylo was here
first and gave the puppy lots of room to .... well .... be a puppy.

Upon taking Maddie to the dog park we quickly realized how she may
have ended up at the SPCA in the first place. Maddie likes to
.... walk away. She doesn't run, she just walks and walks and
walks until she is gone. Her destination is usually a nearby
yard with a garbage bin to explore. So we've kept her on leash
until recently and now we're training her with treats to get back to
us when called.
Last November we were joined by Monty, a husky mix. Madison took
one day to let him know who's in charge and now all 3 get along

like a cat than a dog, Madison loves to sleep and stay inside as much
as she can. She likes to sunbathe and watch the other two dogs
run around. She's a quiet dog who doesn't like noise around her,
but who loves to cuddle next to you. During an average week,
Maddie runs 40km and goes to the dog park for a total of 3 hours.
The rest of the time she spends beside the piano as I am teaching
We love her very much and we're glad she's part of our pack!
Marta & Crawford
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