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I picked up Maggie "the Calico" yesterday.  Before she got here, we got her a litter house as well as other cat things, and I put her in it and a little later she went in and did her business.  She then investigated the whole house and later slept with me all night and this morning was running around playing just like a little kitten.  She's adapting very well.  My husband absolutely loves her.

She hasn't eaten very much but I guess she has to adjust to her new home.  If she still hasn't eaten well by tomorrow I will get her another type of cat food.  Also, I'm making an appointment with the vet tomorrow.  As well, my husband is making her a scratching post since she loves my Persian carpet a little too much!  We figured she must be used to one, and since she's going to be an indoor cat she has to scratch somewhere.

Thank you for providing us with such a wonderful bundle of joy.  Also, many thanks to Alain and yourself for the great community service you provide.


Update June '09 ... 

Brought Maggie to the Vet this morning.  I just tapped her carrier and she walked right in!!  Then when the Vet was finished with her exam, I tapped the cage again, and in walked Maggie.  The Vet was impressed.



Maggie is doing very well.  Her appetite is back and she is a joy to be with.  Also, as you can see in the pictures I sent, she is very photogenic!!




Update March '10 ...

Maggie is doing great.  She has gained some weight and looks terrific!!

I had to put her on a different diet as her back fur was getting bad with dandruff.  Even with me brushing every day it wouldn't go away.

I read that cats are better off getting a mostly wet food diet.  I've had her on canned foods 3 times a day, and still give her dry food (but only once a day).

Her dandruff has gone and her fur is nice again.  Some people have told me that her teeth will get plaque, but that can be taken away by the Vet.

She still has a great personality and is very comfortable at home now.  I can now pet her on the head!!





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