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Just wanted to drop you a line to tell you Maggie is settling into her new home perfectly. 







She is slowly learning the ropes from her faithful companion Hatrick who is happy and grateful for the company but is not always too happy to share his toys. 






Somehow Maggie always wins him over - a nip here and there is probably pretty helpful as well.






Maggie finally figured out that someone walking upstairs in the house is nothing to bark at and loves playing in the snow in the backyard - sometimes so much we need to convince her to come back into the house.













Update January '12 ...

Hello to all, as it is coming up on our first year anniversary of adopting
Maggie into our home, I thought I would share some new pictures of her and Hatrick.  As you can see, neither of them has learned to stay off the couch when we are not at home and prefer it to their own beds. 





As well, they love to go for long walks on the trails close to home, even though Maggie tends not to like to share the path with skiers or joggers, she does love her freedom.  The past year has not been without its ups and downs of a 2 year old, however, we could not imagine our lives without her.

Thank you for all the wonderful work you do with the animals.





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