(nee Porsche) has brought much fun and play to the home for Julie and

In the
yard or the park playing catch, early morning or late evening walks
around the neighbourhood, puttering around in the garden helping to
clear weeds or re-discovering a recently buried treat, Marci is a
gentle, kind and thoughtful companion whom we just love to bits.

We are
so glad to see that she has made herself comfortable in her new
surroundings. We are blessed to share our lives with her.

and Lennox
Update March '13
Attached is a warm weather photograph of Marci (and her favourite toy)
in a neighbourhood park.
We have had the privilege and joy of sharing our lives with Marci for
just about five years now.
From Day One Marci has been a gentle, loving dog, with an obvious
intelligence, a love of being outdoors and swimming and playing catch
and exploring trails, and a companion beyond measure.
She is always eager to greet people and dogs, and her friendliness has
endeared all. She is a treasure and a treat and a loved member
of our family, and we are so thankful that we had the opportunity to
meet her and adopt her at the SPCA of Western Quebec.
Julie and Lennox
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