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Marguerite being such a wonderful dog and a great family member, I had decided to adopt another dog so she could have a doggy friend.  She loves our cross country running in the woods and our playtime but you can see she really gets excited when I take her to doggy park to meet with 4 legged friends.  For all she has done for us I believed she had well deserved a permanent 4 legged friend other than my cats.  So I checked the SPCA de l'Ouest's website and wanted to check out Macy, an Australian shepherd dog, and Zack and Scamp, two beautiful X labs.  Once on the spot, none really fit what I was looking for and followed Jennifer's advice. 

I was going to leave almost empty-handed when she said she had a beautiful puppy that could fit well with the family.  When I heard pup I was not giving him much chance of making the trip home with me but I was willing to see him.  Hey, I had nothing to lose.  I knew I figured puppy = a lot of mess, hyperactive li'l furball, and a mommy running behind with a towel, carpet freshener and Javex to clean up the pees and poops, hourly turnouts and destroyed furniture until they learn shoes and kids' toys are not puppy toothbrushes or toys.  Hmm ... I had brought Marguerite with me so she could choose her friend and although Robinson (now Margus) was shy they played well together.  He is a beautiful 6 month old black X lab/springer spaniel and what a face he has!!!  Cannot not fall in love with his eyes and his ears.  So YES I brought him back with me and figured well, I won't mind running with my Javex bottle for the next couple of months. 


My 4 year old son Simon didn't know I was bringing another dog home and when he met him, he fell in love and decided he wanted to call him Margus ... Margus???  Where does that come from?  And he says Mommy, Margus is in Indiana Jones, in the movie ... *Scratches head*, is he a bad guy?  No, he is Indiana Jones' best friend ... AHHHH, you mean Marcus???  No mommy, you are not saying it right, it's Margus ... I started laughing and thought, this is too cute ... so Margus it is in honour of Indiana Jones' best friend ... 


Well, Margus is a very well-behaved dog, very bright (the second day he was here he had understood that pee outside = cookie in the house but you have to be sitting, so he comes in and sits right away while he gets his treat!), loves kids and other animals.  He lies down for belly scratches and plays tons with Marguerite, Simon and I.  When he is done with his playing time, he comes and curls up on his huge bed and snores happily.  Marguerite is very happy to have him around and she is having a blast. 

Another perfect match created by Jennifer!  And a big thanks to all the staff who were really nice and took extra good care of Marguerite and I.  Two thumbs up!!

Update June '09 ...

Margus is doing really well and enjoying a happy life.  He loves running and playing with Marguerite and fooling around in the woods.  We go for long walks where both dogs enjoy roaming free and they absolutely have a wonderful time.  At the end Marguerite is still full of energy, but Margus falls quickly asleep in the car.  Don't worry, it's only a power nap because once we are home he keeps running after Marguerite and jumping, rolling, & chewing squeaky toys. 

We went last week for the vet check as requested by the contract and Margus is in fabulous shape, nothing to worry about.  He got his complimentary vaccines for rabies and kennel cough.  We meet so many friends, I don't want to take any chances.

Big happy kisses from Marguerite and Margus and a big hello from SImon and I!

Aline, SImon, Marguerite and Margus


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