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I wanted to thank you so much for letting Martha come to live with Hoover and me.  She has been a treat from the minute she walked in the door.  She chews every flap of skin Hoover has and when she stops he bops her with his
nose to get her started again.  I've noticed that when they are in the yard Hoover will turn and look for her if she isn't behind him and for me that's as good a sign as any that she's his completely.  



My compliments to Gaetan - her housetraining is amazing!  She's very good on her recall but the bottom line is that she follows Hoover everywhere anyway!  We will keep working on her commands though because I know how important those are.  As a bonus -she's good with carrots, melon and apple as treats and since those are all that Hoover can have because of his allergies it helps that I don't have to line up special treats for Martha.

Meanwhile, here's a pic of Hoover and Martha's first evening together.  What a great start huh?


Update April '10 ...

Just a quick update on my girl Martha!  She's passed her first level of obedience class and is still going strong.  This little girl (now 11 months old) can jump straight up from a standing position and lick the cheek of a six foot man.  You'll see in the picture that she sits beautifully with her graduation medal around her neck - but when you ask her to sit she'll back up until she feels carpet under her back feet before she sits!  She is all energy, all personality and full of love!!! 





Update July ’11 … 

I've attached a few pics of the little athlete ... one where she's guarding our street from the couch.






The hole is in the back yard - she hides her toys there because Hoover is too big to get in and take them.







The swimming pic is at the cottage - she seems to think she can swim fast enough to catch a duck! 








And of course, once again at the cottage, the inevitable pic of Martha putting her head where it shouldn't be.







Update March '13

We’ve been taking agility classes and Martha has now completed Beginner 1 and 2 and Novice 1. 






She is now taking Novice 2 level classes and we’ll be doing some fun competitions this summer just to see what they’re like. 








She’s smart and fast and generally leaves me in her dust but I love it and so does she!






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