has been part of our family for three weeks now. He is now completely
house-trained and is walking well on leash! What a smart boy! He has
met most of the dogs in the neighbourhood and has learned how to play
with them. The children come over every morning and evening to say
morning walks have become his favourite. He runs to the door and sits
waiting for the door to open. He likes to run through and roll
in the long grass. When he hears "where is our Marty?" he pops up his
head and comes running back to us.
loves to curl up with us in the evening. He watches Wexford for his
cues on how to behave. He loves to give kisses and we give him lots
of hugs! It has been a seamless transition for Marty. What a joy he
is and has adopted us as his forever family! Thanks again for
allowing us to adopt him.
Update June ‘09 ...
my name is Marty and I'm writing to you to thank you all for the
kindness you showed me while I stayed with you. I was sure lucky to
have you folks around so that puppies like me can find a great home.
My Mom and Dad are great. My mom takes me and my big brother Wexford
for nice long walks and lets me play with a lot of other dogs! We
have really great children in the neighbourhood because they come over
and play with me too. My mom keeps telling me not to jump on
them. She says that I have learned 'Off' really well (I guess it's
because I hear it so often). I'm really trying my best to do what she
asks. I now know sit, stay, come and down. The stay command
though needs work. My favourite game is Marty in the middle (I think
the game used to be called Monkey in the Middle). My big brother is
sooo patient with me. He is quite calm and good natured. I couldn't
ask for a better brother!
been to see the doctor twice now and all my shots are up-to-date. I weigh 12.8 kilos! The doc thinks I'll probably weigh about 50 to 60
lbs when I grow up. I have a new leather collar and a name tag with
my name and phone number on it (in case I get lost). Well, I
have to go now - I'm off to Nova Scotia for a holiday with my family.
Dad says we're going to three different beaches so I can run and play
in the ocean! I can't wait! I'll send some pictures when I get back.
Mom says we don't have the right equipment to download pictures on the
computer but when we get back from the trip, she'll sort that out.
Thanks again for everything!
Marty (PS - I told my Mom what to write ...)
Update June ‘09 ...
Again Folks at the SPCA!
I'm just back from Nova Scotia! Wow what a trip! I slept almost all
of the way in our SUV. I loved driving! The ocean was a little
frightening at first, especially the seaweed! I barked and barked but
Dad and Wexford told me it was just a plant! Imagine that! On my
last trip to Crescent Beach, we were there all by ourselves (my Mom,
Mitch, Wexford and I). I have attached some pictures that you may
want to put on my webpage. These are pictures of me (of course) and
my big older brother, Wexford, and some of the kids I play with. I'll
have more pictures of my trip to Nova Scotia later. There are a
few shots of our arrival in Nova Scotia too. Thanks again for all of
your interest in my life long journey! Take care and keep up the
great work.
Love Marty!
P.S. I love hugs and kisses - my family give me lots of those!
July ‘09 ...
My mom
finally sorted out the picture taking issues. I've attached a few
pictures of our trip to Nova Scotia including me playing on Crescent
Beach in Nova Scotia (that was fun!). I learned how to retrieve
sticks from the waves in the ocean. The rest are photos of me and
some of me and my big brother Wexford taken on Canada Day. He says he
likes me but sometimes I drive him crazy! Mom and Dad took me for my
operation on July 6, 2009 and everything went well. I'm 33 lbs. now
and a growing concern. Things are back to normal and Mom says that
she is going to take me to some classes so I can learn more about
manners and agility training. That's all for now. Gotta run (Ha!)
Take care and thanks for everything!
Hugs & Kisses
Update September ‘09 ...
All at the SPCA!
I didn't want you to forget about me! You remember me, "Smarty
Marty". I'm 7 months old now and am a growing concern. I have
been with my family since May 2, 2009. I've had a vacation in Nova
Scotia, had my operation and been on many walks with my family. I've
also met a few friends along the way. And, I have participated
in and am pleased to say that I graduated from my first Level 1 - Good
Manners obedience class through Carolark (Centre for Applied Canine
Behaviour in Kanata)! My mom was only
hoping that I wouldn't get kicked out! She says that I do need some
more work though so she has registered me for Good Manners and More -
Level 2 classes starting later in September. My big brother Wexford
is sure pleased to see improvement in my behaviour though he keeps
saying that he can't wait until I grow up. I'm not sure what that
means but I guess I'll find out when I grow up! Well, I know Mom has
some pictures of me graduating from the Level 1 class that she will
pass along to you for my webpage. Bye for now, my Mom's calling me
and my recall is really great now so I can't let her down!
Take care and thank you for everything that you do at the SPCA!
Update April ’10 …
Just to let you know that Marty is doing VERY WELL! He and I
were enrolled with Carolark's training classes (Level 1, 2 & 3 and
Rally O Basics) for most of the fall and winter months. The training
worked wonders and once he "matures" he'll be even better. He is now
fully grown (about 60 lbs.) and very friendly with adults, children
and other dogs. He has lots of energy and with a consistent
schedule is thriving. We can now let him off-leash (supervised of
course) with little or no worries. He is no longer in a crate
when home alone during the day. We have a great time on our hikes in
the woods. Marty enjoys everything in life! He is a happy dog!
Wexford is still going strong (Marty keeps him young). I'll give you
more details later. Take care and thanks again for doing what you do.
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