name is Marty and I came all the way from Iqaluit. In my new
downtown family, there are two big people and two little people.
They love me very much. The little people, girls, like to hug me
a lot. They feed me and play with me every day.

I am
crate trained but I now get to roam the house when I'm alone. I
don't chew anything except for my toys which gives me a lot of praise.
I do have a lot of toys and bones to play with which makes me happy.
enjoy going for walks and meeting the other pets in the neighbourhood.
My best friend, Arthur, is a miniature poodle who lives next door.
He is really shaggy.

I have
a lot of energy and enjoy when the biggest person takes me for long,
fast walks. Sometimes the other big person brings me to daycare
to pick up the girls. This is fun. I bark until they come
out and then they give me treats. At first I was worried that
they wouldn't come out to get me, but now I know they always do.
I have found my forever home, and I am happy.
Say hello to my friends at S.P.C.A for me!
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