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It has been one night short of a week since Breeze (now called Mava) came home.  She has been doing well.







At first, she had some worries.  She growled at the kids when they passed by and she would try and hide out near me.  Mava has gotten a little stronger and more confident each day.  The kids and I have jointly focused on training the basic commands and she quickly learned the essentials ... sit, down, leave it, take it, stay.  She is ok with heel but it's work.  In the last day, she really hasn't growled at all.






I would probably write a book to you if I was on a keyboard but will keep this note short.  I will say also that the vet checked her out.  Her weight is good.  We were told that she could stand a couple more pounds but no more.








Here are a few photos from her first week at home.






Update July '14

This is the one year update on Breeze. We adopted her July 2, 2013 and this year we celebrated her 'birthday' with a giant bone cake and lots of party games (photo attached of her waiting for a slice of the bone). She has done very well this year and has fit in with our family well.

Thank you so much again and keep up the good work with the dogs!




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