Just a quick note to update you on Maverick. We are extremely
pleased with
our new family pet and am not sure we could have chosen a better
match. Maverick has adjusted well to the family and is
definitely the joy of the neighbourhood when it comes to the kids.
All the kids flock to our house when Maverick is outside. He
absolutely loves to play however he doesn't always know his own
strength. He often knocks the kids over with a simple hip check.

We walk Maverick several times a day as he needs a lot of exercise.
He goes to a day kennel once in awhile so he can hang with the other
dogs and go to the pond for a cool swim. We have a hard time
getting him back home after that.

We brought him camping throughout the summer and he had a blast.
He sat by the campfire with us until the wee hours of the morning.
He even slept in the tent with the kids.
Maverick is still very quiet and hardly makes a sound. The only
time we hear him is when a small "yappy" dog starts barking at him.
One bark from Maverick and the little dogs quiet down.

Thanks for taking good care of him while he was at your place.
People we meet on the street are amazed as his mild mannered nature.
Most people we run into on the streets think he is a wolf.
You can rest assured that he is well loved and cared for in his new
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