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Thanks so much for taking care of me at SPCA of Western Quebec, and thanks for sending me home with Lynn and Sandy!  It was a bit of a long drive, about an hour and a half, but I made it fine and got introduced to my new home (big house, big yard, lots of fields and forest!) and the new pack, which includes Cooper the hound dog, and four cats; Spot, Maisey, Wynne and Luna.  I'm having a great time - the food is good, we go on lots of walks, and everybody is friendly, even the cats.  I wish Cooper would play with me a bit more - he doesn't seem to have a lot of get up and go - but other than that, things are excellent.  Since Cooper won't play sometimes I try to play with the cats; that doesn't really work either but at least they're not mean about it.  There are some really good toys here too and the people play with me, so that's fun.  I was pretty worried the first few days that I was just visiting, so I was very careful not to let the people out of my sight, but I think this is where I'm going to live from now on, so I'm a lot more relaxed.  They seem to like me and they say 'good boy' a lot and have brushed me and are very good at tummy rubs.


Thank you for letting us adopt Mavrick - we are absolutely delighted with him!  He's such a beautiful dog and he's got the sweetest disposition.  We kept his name that he had with you - we did try a few others but none seemed to quite fit and we all liked Mavrick.  And he is incredibly well-trained - he's completely easy leash walking, he doesn't go up on beds or couches (you will see from the photo of Mavrick and our hound dog Cooper that we were not as successful on the 'no couch' rule with Coop ...).  When we come back from walks through mud and water out on our property, he offers his paws for a cleanup and then rolls on his back to have his tummy wiped down.  Or maybe he's just looking for a tummy rub.  Cooper doesn't quite love Mavrick as much as we do - no aggression at all but he's not thrilled with all the playful energy (or ... the humping) but he seems to be warming up to him a bit.  Mavrick is excellent with the cats - our cat Spot greeted him on the first day by walking right up to him and giving him a little nose bump greeting and they have been friends ever since.  The others were cautious at first but quickly realized he's a sweetie and now when they pass nearby, they sometimes give him a little nuzzle.  And as Mavrick says in his note, he has even tried to encourage them to play a bit, but they don't think that's a good idea.  His house training is immaculate, even when he was just getting used to us, he didn't have a single accident in the house.

So again, thanks so much - you were all wonderful when we came out to meet your dogs and we couldn't be more happy that we met up with Mavrick.


Sandy and Lynn



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