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It has been about 2 months since Mel (formerly Goldie) came into our lives.  She was quickly renamed Mel because of her beautiful caramel colour.  Although, now that we have gotten to know her better she has become known as Mel, for ‘mellow’.  She is such an easygoing, laidback dog.  When in the house she can be found sprawled out in front of the fire or snoring on her favourite couch.





We are working on some training but basically I can take her everywhere and she just fits right in.  She is great with people and kids, and friendly with other dogs.  She has taken a really liking to my neighbour’s goats and in particular the youngest goat kid.




When she is outside her nose is to the ground and taking in all the smells.  Her favourite pastime is listening for mice under the snow, then rearing up and pouncing.  She’ll dig and dig until she is satisfied that the mouse has evaded her.  The other day I looked over at her in the yard and she had her whole head inside a hole in the trunk of a tree, presumably looking for squirrels.  Luckily she has 75 acres to explore so that will keep her busy for a while.  Hence, ‘Mel the Smeller’ has also become a new nickname that stuck.





Everyone who meets her says that she has the sweetest, kindest face.  And it is true.  When she smiles her eyes are so soft and her whole body hugs you.  It just doesn’t get better than that.





We would like to thank everyone at the SPCA for the love and care that she was given while there.  She settled in pretty quickly here, which is a tribute to how secure and happy she was when she left to come into our family.  She now spends her days with 2 cats and has a ‘doggy’ social circle in the neighbourhood and she meets them everyday on her walks.

We couldn't be happier with our new member of the family.




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