We are
having a ball with Mia. What an incredible little character she
is!!! Besh is like a new dog; there's a sparkle in her eyes
again. That isn't to say that they don't have the occasional
squabble, but it is very brief and Mia backs off. She is copying
Besh and is learning to carry gloves and boots! She has also
decided that sleeping on a water bed is nicer than a floor. Besh
is also learning from her. Yesterday there was a fireworks
display just down our street. Normally Besh would pace and look
nervously at us. When she saw Mia wasn't bothered, she went to
her favourite chair and relaxed.

we had a brunch at our house. I was concerned because of all the
new people and kids coming. Mia was FANTASTIC! She went from
person to person to be petted, played beautifully with the 5 year-old,
was careful not to knock over the 1-yr-old, and sat on the sofa and
gently licked the newborn's head. She was a mega hit.
Tomorrow we are taking her to our vet for her check-up. I'll
keep you posted and send you pictures if she ever slows down long
enough for me to take them!!!!

Update January '09 ...
Mia has wormed her way into the hearts of everyone who has met her,
even those who profess to not really like dogs!!!

She is
incredibly bright. For example, we have trained Besh to ring a
bell when she wants to go out. The other day Besh was outside
and Mia was inside. We heard the bell ring and it was Mia! She
actually rang it, not for her to go out, but for Besh who was waiting
to come in. It was not just a coincidence as she did it again at
a later time. Who knows what else she will surprise us with!!!

Update March '09 ...
now she and her "sister" Beshert are at the Bruce Pit having their
morning run. She's doing fine and last week went to Montreal to
meet her 90-yr-old "grandparents". They were completely charmed
as are all who meet her!
attached a portrait of Mia that a friend did of her from a picture.
(Her name is Rhea Sampson, in case you know of anyone who wants a
permanent memento of their pet.)
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