Here is the cutie with a gift basket full of goodies from everyone.
Going to be so spoiled. He was so happy he fell asleep in it
with all the toys and treats!
December '14
Thanks so much for giving me the greatest gift ever. Mickey is the
best little doggie ever.! Love him so much. He weighs 6 lbs now, has
long legs but still not sure if he will be a poodle or Yorkie! One ear
stands up only. We are going to puppy school, so smart.
Sending you all my very best over the holiday season and always. Merry
Christmas from Mickey Mouse to everyone!
July '15
Mickey is a year old now and the cutest and the best dog in the world!
I have never forgotten how good you were to me at the Quebec SPCA. He
was only 3lbs at the time, but has grown to be 10lbs. ! I know! Very
smart, no problem training. No longer as red in colour but more
strawberry blonde. He loves everything and everybody. Did a lot of
socializing with him. Due to his background and size, I knew he did
not like children so had to work on that. He goes to doggie off leash
park every day at 10:00 and 7:00 and has tons of friends to play with.
Also loves the beach, throw ball in the water for him, great friend. I
am now in chemo and he has become my best friend thru this difficult
time. Thank you again.
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