& good day to everyone!
On behalf of my family, we would like to
thank you for letting us adopt our wonderful dog from your shelter.
We got her in February 2007. Mika is a wonderful dog to have &
we are so happy to have found her at your shelter. We travelled
two and a half hours to see her and it was worth it. We would
like to say thank you with all our hearts. Here are some
pictures of her, enjoy.

P.S. She also has a playmate now ... we just got a kitten and
they both get along great ...

are so happy with her! She is the most wonderful dog ever!
We even got her a playmate named Taz, as you will see in the photo.
Once again we would like to thank everyone from the SPCA of Western
Quebec for letting us take this beautiful and happy dog home.
Nowhere in the west island would they sell us a husky, because we had
3 boys and no experience with that breed. When I saw her photo
online, we just had to call about her. It was a two and a half
hour drive to see her, but it was worth it; we fell in love.

Update January '09 ...
thought you would like an update on Mika! She's still our baby
girl and loves being with us. Wherever we go she comes along.
She has another playmate who is almost 7 months old. We got
another kitten :). She follows Mika everywhere in the house &
sleeps with her at night. Once again we would like to thank
everyone there!!

With love,
Crystal and Mika

Update September '12 ...
It's been awhile since we've sent an update on Mika. Mika is
still full of life & love!! Even her age can't slow her down
:). She's still full of life & always wants to be around someone.
Mika follows me everywhere I go, & we even bring her in the car with
us when she gives us her puppy eyes. Can you say spoiled much!!

Mika will always be spoiled by us & even our neighbors spoil her.
One of our friends makes Mika home made cookies!!!

I'm so happy that we found such an amazing & beautiful girl. We
can never say "Thank-you" enough for letting us adopt this beautiful
girl. We're hoping to make a trip up your way this winter &
visit with everyone there :).
Much love to everyone there!!!
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