It’s been
about a month since we brought Tyson home (we call him Mikey now!
Short for Sir Michael Tyson, get it?! :-) . He's adapting quite well!
still getting used to holding in his pee but has gotten a lot better!
He knows "sit", "come", and "watch me". We've enrolled him in some
obedience classes for September!

He's become
extremely social and LOVES children. He used to follow each family as
though they were his own, but seems to have accepted us as his new
forever family and his recall has gotten a lot better!

He has grown 10lbs since we got him, and is 100% healthy! Our vet
thinks he might also have some Great Dane in him, so we are looking
forward to seeing what he will grow up into! We love him so much. His
brother Louis also loves him, and they sometimes cuddle and are often
just chilling together. They play great together even though Louis is
literally twice Mikey's weight!

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to expand our little family :) We
are moving into a house in October that is just next to a really big
non-busy dog park so there are a lot more awesome memories waiting to
be made!

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