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Miko now goes to doggie daycare and is doing well.
I don't understand how such a little treasure could have been through so many homes but we are very glad he is now in ours to stay!




































Update September '13

Here are Miko's latest mug shots!  He still goes to doggie daycare twice a week, quite the character there apparently, reading the blog they do is really funny.  Couch potato I think not, a very active little two year old now.  We started obedience classes last week, once he got over barking at all the other dogs he did really well, he already knows hand signals so somebody must have been training him before, we just need to learn them now.

Thank you all for our little Miko, we love him!



































Update December '13

Thought I would just send the latest pictures of Miko playing with his buddies at daycare.  He is doing really well, we can nearly walk by a golden retriever at home without him barking, nearly but not quite.  Who knows one day I may be able to stop and talk to the neighbours when they are walking their dog.




























Update November '14

Not sure who is still there when we adopted Miko but here he is ... very happy little boy now 3 years old.

Thank you again for this little treasure in our lives!!





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