I just
wanted to update you on the little Beabull I adopted on March 11th,
Clinton. We have since re-named him

has been having a great time since he's come home with us. He's
adjusted really well. We've discovered he'll do anything for cheese
(especially the aged, stinky variety), and he seems very obsessed with
potato chips even though we've never given him any. Every time
we open a bag he is jumping around and desperately hoping to get a
taste. He is able to sleep through the night without any
accidents, although he keeps me up sometimes with his loud snoring!

Also, Milo has a new brother, Bailey (a 1.5 yr old Beagle) and they
get along great. Bailey is my sister's dog, and he is the top
dog. Whatever Bailey does, Milo copies. Bailey has been
teaching Milo to sniff out squirrels, push open doors with his nose,
spy on the neighbourhood from the front window and...to suntan!
When the sun is shining through a particular window, they will run
over to that spot and sniff/circle around until I bring over their
bed. Then, they will cuddle up in the warm spot and take a nap.

They love to spend their time out in the backyard, sniffing for
wildlife. Although so far the only thing they have caught are
old sticks, and blowing leaves.
Thanks again for all your help. I couldn't have adopted a more
perfect dog! He's the best!

Update May '10 ...
We adopted Barley the Husky mix in May 2010. After a few days of
being nameless we settled on Spook.
He's such a great little boy with a fantastic personality. Spook is
always very happy, playful and inquisitive. He loves sitting in the
big backyard for hours with a stick, or investigating our wooded area
- looking for squirrels. Our other dog,
(Bulldog mix), was a bit suspicious of him at first, but has since
warmed up to his new little brother. My sister will sometimes bring
over her dog, Bailey (Beagle), and the three of them will goof around
and tire themselves out.
Spook has taught himself how to go down the stairs, but is still
afraid to go up on his own. Luckily he's still small enough for us to
carry him up for bed!
seems to be growing by the day - we think he'll be a very big boy. Our
vet's receptionist thought he was a malamute. Do you know what other
breeds might be in his mix?
Thanks again for letting Spook into our lives. He's the perfect
addition to our family!
Update June ’10 …
Here is our update of Spook. He has changed a little since our
first update. He is now able to go up and down the stairs. Is bigger than his
big brother and has no problem letting him know it.
We will make sure and give you more updates as the puppies grow.
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