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I've just recently visited your Happy Tails section and just had to send
you pictures of Minou (other names include El Minou, Le Hell and Ze Crazy Cat - you named him Pillsbury). 








My boyfriend and I picked him up on New Year's Eve 2010 when he was only 5 months old.  When we arrived at the SPCA to snatch him up, you had just recently sent him off to Petsmart and so we drove like crazy people in order to have him for the New Year.






A little about our Devil-Cat:  Minou likes to steal rolled-up socks,
hide/sit in too small boxes or gym bags, push anything and everything off the countertops and nibble on my forehead while I sleep. 








He also likes to watch me put on my makeup every morning and steal my brushes when he thinks I'm not looking.  Minou enjoys a good conversation in which he vocally and enthusiastically participates.








He is quite the handful but he is our lovable fur-child and we adore him.  He keeps us constantly on our toes and has taught us to keep our home tidy because anything left unattended ends up on the floor.  Life definitely wouldn't be as interesting without him.

Kim, Max & Minou













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