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Missy is doing just great.  She is a different girl.  I think we have gained her trust.  I believe she knows we love her.  If we say thank you, those words don't begin to express how we feel.  You went above and beyond to help us and Missy.  She is a happy girl, you should see her.  She runs and plays like a puppy.  I believe she is happy.  She is a beautiful girl and you knew it.  She is so affectionate and loving. 





Brad has now fenced the whole yard in for her.  Funny he's not the dog person, but that's who buys her all her bones, hahaha, and that's who she wants rubs from all the time!  She has also met Gramma, whom she just loves.  She is just the girl I have been looking for.  Her size scared me but it doesn't anymore.  Thanks!




Update July '14

Well, all we can say is she is soo beautiful.  We love her so much.  She is settling in just great.  Everyday she trusts us more.  She is getting treats galore.  She has a big backyard to run in and she just loves the truck ... don't worry she never gets in the bed of the truck.  She has her own space in the back of the pickup and she loves it.  I park it in the backyard and I swear she would stay there all day, if we didn't offer her a treat!  She is such a great girl and we love her so much.  I am attaching some pictures ... omg ... she is such a gift!  Thank you to the SPCA OF WESTERN QUEBEC






















Update December '14

Today we got a ton of snow!  You must have sent it our way ... that's ok because Missy loves it!






































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