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Misty is doing great so far.  She was an angel on the car ride home, only 2
little mews out there.  I ended up taking her out of the crate and she laid
by my feet for the hour and a half ride!  She's currently under my bed but she's clearly very happy; when we look under and talk to her, loud
purring begins.  She came out for a bit last night, always retreating under
the bed if something startled her, but she was easily coaxed out with some
snapping of the fingers and patting on the ground.  She just loves the



We have our first vet appointment together today, which I'm sure she won't be too happy about.  I have a few pictures so far, but since she likes the bed so much its hard to get some great ones, so I'll send you some when I get some great ones!  We love her very much and we're very happy we decided on her.  My boyfriend has never had a cat before, and he's already right in love with her.  My mom thinks she's just the cutest thing, and assists on every babysitting job! 



Another update - Misty is out from under the bed now!  She is quite the shy cat though; any sudden movement or if you walk into the bedroom when she's out, she's right back under the bed.  She really has no interest in the rest of the house, she just loves my room and her little bed.  She's met my mom's cat Oreo a couple of times and they are doing okay with each other.  Everyone thinks that Misty is a sweetheart and she just loves every bit of attention she can get.  Whether it be getting brushed, or just getting talked to, a purr quickly comes on.  She's an amazing cat.



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