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It will be one year on Dec 13 when Mollie came to her new home.   She is the most loving dog that I ever had.  She follows me everywhere in the house - wherever I am so is Mollie.  She is very energetic, athletic and loves running and jumping outside.  Her big brother, Nukka, lets her do whatever she wants to him, except share his treats.  

She loves having her belly scratched and going in the kayak at the cottage.  She is the perfect guard dog and is very protective of me.  She knows if you are not a "dog" person and has a bark that will scare any ferocious foe.  Mollie has tried but without success to become friends with our cat Alphonso.  Alphonso just wants to be left alone - Mollie has yet to learn that and just keeps trying.  

In the summer, she developed allergies and had to take medication to help alleviate the intense scratching.  It has subsided now that the cool weather has arrived, but she still sneezes regularly and is now on a no additive diet for 8 weeks to see if this helps her.  She misses those bone marrow bones however.



Sadly, Mollie has passed away and is now remembered on our Rainbow Bridge page.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Mollie's family.



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