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Molly & Abby



The puppies (we've named them Molly (Suzie) and Abby (Dolly)) are very good in the car.  We went to one of my favourite pet stores, Yazoo in Pointe Claire.  The clerk
made a right fuss about them both, and even took photos to share with the store's owner.  We bought them each a Kong, as they love to play and chew!  Last night and tonight they are wiped out.  They've been getting lots of
exercise and meeting friends from the neighbourhood.  Molly sleeps with my oldest son, Declan, and Abby sleeps with Owen, my middle son. 



I'm impressed at how well these two beauties do with peeing outside.  Only a few accidents inside.  Tonight they even each did a poo outside!!!  We always 'celebrate' and congratulate them on their success, lol.  They are very smart girls.  They understand what they did right.  Abby thinks my hair is a chew toy.  Molly is a little rascal, always eggingher sister on.  I can't believe how fast these two eat.  I'm guessing that might be because of the need to 'compete' at the food bowls with so many siblings ... we have to feed the girls across the room from each other, or they both try to steal from each other's bowl.  Quite funny to watch them eat as though it's a race.



We are so very happy that these two wonderful little angels are part of our family now.  They met my brother today.  He fell in love with them, and was very interested when I said 'there's another sister who is still looking for her forever home'.  Will lives in an apartment though, and wants to wait until he gets a house before he welcomes a new family member.  It's for the best.  I will certainly send you photos and updates from time to time.  Everyone is very happy for us all.  They know how devastated we were about having to say goodbye to Max.  We had planned on waiting a little longer before welcoming a new loved one into our home.  Max was a great dog though, and we still have so much love to give.



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