family happily adopted Monty on July 1, 2011. We saw the SPCA
listing for Monty on Petfinder.com and instantly fell in love with
her, so it was no problem for us to come from
to Gatineau to finally meet her and welcome her into our family.
Monty started purring the second we met and she purred away the entire
drive to Toronto (as soon as she was allowed to come out of the cage
and sit freely on the back seat).

being a highly intelligent and brave cat, fit in right away.
She was a little cautious at first, but very soon she developed trust
towards the household; she now truly rules the house. Her personality
is characterized by a thirst for knowledge of new things, social
behaviour and desire to participate in family activities, as well as
genuine interest in her environment. Monty is a very active cat that
demands attention and we are happy to give it to her. Please see
the following video of Monty playing with us:

Because of Monty's level of activity and desire to play all the time,
we decided that a feline companion would be beneficial to her.
Having seen that Monty was completely relaxed in her new home, we adopted
a kitten from Durham Humane Society. Monty once again proved how
intelligent she is by quickly getting along with an obnoxious kitten,

fact, Monty teaches Liza manners and various feline tricks that a
kitten can learn so much faster from example, such as grooming and
playing. Monty and Liza now get along very well and happen to be
a great match because of their similar energy levels.

We are
very happy that Monty and our family found each other.
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