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Well as you can see from the photos, Morgan had no trouble adjusting to her new home.  Both my children are so excited about her.  Special thanks to Brodie's mom, Catherine, who although was first in line for Morgan on Friday was gracious enough to let me adopt her instead.  I'm hoping that her new dog Rex is adjusting well and that Rex and Brodie make great brothers.

We are in love with Morgan.  She is sweet and quiet and already is acing the potty training.

Many thanks to the staff at the shelter for all your help.



















Update May '15

I just wanted to drop a note and let you know that Morgan is doing terrific.  She is now 10 pounds and growing.  She is one sweet puppy and just loves everybody.  Always wagging her tail and giving kisses.  Here are a couple of new pictures.

My daughter keeps asking if I know any more information about her "story". If you have time can you fill me in on any info you might have such as what type of terrier cross she may be and where she came from.  I know you said her litter was being fostered in a home with four young girls.  If you are still in contact with them please tell them how grateful we are for all the training they gave Morgan before she came to us.  This has been the easiest transition with a puppy we ever could have imagined.

Many thanks and kindest regards.


















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