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Here are some pictures of Mountain with her new family.  We were able to let her off leash on our walk today, down the path that runs through the forest near our home.







We love her and I think she's enjoying our company too!  Our younger Lab, Copper, loves to have a friend to run and explore with. 







Mountain is a BIG lap dog and she's making herself at home with us, finding the most comfortable places to lay down in our home. 







We were looking for a younger dog but sometimes your heart makes choices that your brain wasn't counting on ... and that's certainly what happened to me the moment I met Mountain!  She's a perfect fit!!







Here are some more pictures of Mountain ... with friends!!!  She's having a great time and loves all our walks!!  Please pass this on to anyone who would like to see it!!  If you would like to put any on your website, that's perfectly fine with me. 






Soooo happy I went out to your facility after viewing your dogs on your website, and the funny thing is ... there wasn't even a picture of Mountain on your website!!  Here's to happy endings :)





Update July '14

Just wanted to send a photo of Mountain, adopted from you January 29th.  We spend most weekends at the lake and she has become an expert at launching herself off our pontoon boat to retrieve her ball.  Our other dog Copper has been doing it since she was a year old ... of course they always wear their life jackets!!  Anyway, after they've dried off Mountain sure knows where the best spot to rest is.  She and Copper are never far from one another.  We love them so much!!! 












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