After visiting the SPCA of
Western Quebec on a number of occasions a couple of years ago, I
became convinced that a little black, hypo-allergenic,
schnauzer/poodle cross, Moxie, was the dog for me.
Moxie and I quickly bonded
and became best friends. We are now inseparable. We have
conquered both city and country. First, porcupines – we had two
major run-ins before she learned to keep her distance. The first
resulted in a vet having to intervene to remove 17 quills while under
anesthetic. Not to be deterred, a second encounter left her with
about a dozen needles in both mouth and paws. But this time a
friend removed them with pliers while I held her good and tight.
I expect that this quill removal process left her with a better
appreciation of the consequences. Encounters with porkies are
now a thing of the past.
experience with skunks has been somewhat similar. One close
encounter was quite enough to ensure that she now gives them a wide
More recently, during one
of our excursions into the back country, she attempted to befriend a
coyote. And why not? To her mind it was just another dog
to get chummy with. The coyote enticed her to follow it into the
woods while another, unknown to Moxie, closed in behind her to block
her retreat. Moxie caught on not a second too soon and made
hasty retreat via a circuitous route back to me. The coyotes
followed us for awhile before vanishing into the underbrush.
frightening to Moxie than all of this is close encounters with buses.
The big yellow school-bus or the OC Transpo variety. Moxie tends
to travel with her nose to the ground rather than by sight and, on
occasion, strains on the leash at curb side, anxious to make her way
across the street, when suddenly one of these monsters lumbers on by.
The noise causes her to look up in fright and quickly retreat.
The lesson learned here is that she now holds back at the curb waiting
for me to cross with her on a short leash.
Moxie has learned through
experience and we have learned from each other. Our daily trips
both in the city and the country often last for hours and are great
If you should see us on our
travels, give us a wave or a toot. Moxie will be in the lead
dragging an old guy behind her!
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