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MOXY (formerly Archie at the SPCA) 

April 9, 2011 - Moxy was born August 3, 2010, and we adopted him on March 19, 2011.  The folks at the Aylmer SPCA were fantastic.  Moxy is adapting really well.  He is a happy little gaffer and very affectionate with us and with people he becomes familiar with.  He is still very afraid of strangers so we are doing our best to socialize him.  We take him with us on all our excursions.  He has brought lots of laughter to our day and thankfully, he sleeps like a baby with us at night.  He is a quick learner as well.  He is learning his basic commands, fetches balls, and is even learning to use the treadmill, a handy tool when the weather is lousy. 



We live in the country so he has lots of room to play and he is fascinated with this large beautiful world.  He loves watching and listening to the birds, looking for the local rabbit who is hanging around our house lately, and the neighbourhood cats.  He is a sweet boy, but full of mischief as is any puppy.  We signed him up for vet insurance yesterday, which we unfortunately know from experience is worth every penny.  I included the pic from the SPCA since it is a really nice one.  I’ll update it when I have some more nice pics.  



April 23, 2011 – Since our last update, Moxy has been to the spa to be groomed.  He looks more beautiful, if that’s possible. J  Luckily Debbie (our dog groomer) is really a dog whisperer.  She has been working with Moxy to get over his fear of people.  She took him in an extra full day after his first grooming day, so he could watch the parade of people and dogs going through her studio.  It’s good for him to have this exposure and we are very fortunate she is there to support Moxy and ourselves of course. 



He used to nip and bite me when I brushed him, but that behaviour is getting much better.  He still nips and bites at other times though and it is perplexing.  He is smart and he knows it is wrong.  He has gained much confidence and is doing very well overall.  He loves to play and is full of beans.  We hope over time his little Moxy issues will disappear as we continue to bring him everywhere we go and let him watch people going about their business.  It is sad to see him so afraid of people as he is such a happy and affectionate dog.  Time will heal no doubt.    



Update August ’11 …

We just celebrated Moxy’s 1st on August 3rd, 2011.  The happy boy is doing really so well.  He loves his doggy day camp once a week where he plays with a bunch of other dogs and goes for long walks where they all can enjoy a swim in the local creek.  He’s brought a lot of laughter and joy to our lives.  




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