I drove to Gatineau
from Montreal on October 16th and met an 8 week old chocolate lab
mix. She was very small and had a white stripe on her chest.

I bundled her up
and drove back to Montreal with her on the floor of the front seat of
the car. The kids (boys 9 and 5yrs) were thrilled to meet her. Our
11 yr old lab, Amber, was not so thrilled at first. The puppy kept
jumping on her and biting her tail. There was some growling that
first night. We named the puppy Muddie. The cat is still a bit wary
of Mud, the dog still doesn't know proper manners when it comes to
dealing with cats.

In just three
days Amber and Muddie were best of friends. They go for walks
together, they lie down in the kitchen to catch any scraps together,
they even drink water from the same bowl at the same time!
Yesterday an
over-zealous dog came charging at Muddie, who was tied up in the front
yard while we were raking leaves. Amber immediately went between the
two of them. The dog meant no harm, he was just playful, but Amber
went into "protection" mode to ensure Muddie's safety. It was heart
warming to watch.

Thanks for the
chance to welcome a wonderful dog into our family!
Laura S.
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