Apollo (now Mugsy) is doing so much better since he gained a couple of
pounds, you don't notice his bones on his sides as much. He only
has one more medication to take starting today when we see the Vet (we
have another appointment later today). I've attached a photo of
Mugsy that we took on October 16. He's getting more and more
playful and loves taking walks, he gets a lot of attention.

We will give him a huge hug for you, we always hug him, we want him to
know that he is loved. On the other hand, our cat has not been
happy about Mugsy being part of the family now but we spoke to the Vet
about it and he gave us some tricks and they work; the cat is coming
out of his hiding space more and more often each day, he's very
curious now but still runs off when Mugsy tries to play with him.
Time will fix everything.
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