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When I first brought Munchkin home, she did all of her business on the floor!  No matter how many times I brought her outside these accidents kept happening.  For the first two weeks we basically lived outdoors!  She did have an excuse.  When I brought her to the vet, her spay operation was causing some concern and pressure and she was just trying to relieve the pressure.  I would tell everyone who adopts a new pet to hang in there.  She has been well worth the effort of those first few weeks.




Now Munchkin is my social calling card.  She is well loved wherever she goes.  She has travelled with me (on a plane) to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.  Everyone in my condo loves her.  She has made great friends with everyone at the sailing club and is just the most popular dog around.





I thank God everyday that I found her.  Please keep up the great work!





Update April '12 ...

Most animals adopted from shelters don't have a birthday.  When I adopted Munchkin (aka Nicole) in September of 2008, she was thought to be about a year and a half old.  Now that she is in or around five years old, I thought it was time for a birthday party!  A good time was had by all!  The humans had ice cream cake while Munchkin had specially made dog birthday cookies just for her.




Instead of bringing gifts, Munchkin asked her guests to bring money to support Georgette.  Munchkin is usually frightened of big dogs but when she heard Georgette's story, she knew she had to help.  Here are some pictures of the great event.





A cheque will be in the mail shortly totalling $100.00.  Munchkin's friends are generous!






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