adopted Reggis (now known as Murphy) from the SPCA on
June 13, 2008
and wanted to let you know that he is proving to be a wonderful dog
and a great pet. He has endless energy and is lots of fun, though
my three cats are still less than impressed.

has become very well known in my neighbourhood and is very popular
with adults and children alike. In fact, several of the kids living
on my street frequently ring my doorbell to ask if Murphy can come out
to play. He loves his toys and will play fetch or Frisbee with
anyone for as long as he or she has the energy to toss the toys his
way. He also loves barbeques and will try to steal a hamburger every
chance he gets (and occasionally succeeds).
'graduated' from a beginner's obedience course on August 14 (grad
picture attached, along with a few others) and will start his
intermediate classes on September 13.
Many thanks to you and the other staff and volunteers at the shelter
for your commitment to the animals and your service to the public. I
can't thank you enough for the opportunity to adopt Murphy and wish
you much success in finding a perfect match for the other animals in
your custody. May they be as lucky as Murphy and I were.
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