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We adopted Murray just after the Christmas holidays.  He was as quiet as a mouse the day we brought him home but he soon opened up and let fly with his real personality.  He's full of beans and enjoys every day to the fullest.  His favourite things are dogs, dogs, treats, dogs and his human pack.  He would really like to play with his kitty brothers but they're still teaching him how to behave around kitties and he is learning.




He has learned lots of other things as well.  We very quickly brought him to puppy school and he passed with flying colours, performing well even when all he wanted to do was play with all those other puppies just out of his reach.  Although he has lots to learn still, and is only 8 months, he is fitting in well and has a lot of potential.  He is great with recall, always checks to see where we are when we go for walks, and he has found a love of swimming.




He hasn't stopped growing yet!  He was a mostly unknown mix when we got him but we know now that he is mostly lab-chow.  He is 60 pounds and
continues to surprise us with his growth by the week!




Thanks again for all your help.  Everyone at the SPCA gave us a lot of
attention and patience with our innumerable questions, despite how busy everyone was.  Thank you.

Clara, Ken (and of course Murray)



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