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I just thought I would send in a quick email to let you know that Nala is all settled in and doing fine.  She is curled up next to me on the sofa right now as I type - snoring, actually.  We are back from the off-leash dog park.  We were there for a little under two hours and Nala spent the time running around chasing dogs and wading in the river (still learning how to swim).  Everyone has been more than impressed with her manners and how quickly she is fitting in with all the park regulars.

My neighbours have all met Nala and are excited to have a dog in the building.  She has also met some of the folks on the street including the littler kids and other dogs and it has all gone well.  There is, in fact, another SPCA of Western Quebec adoptee on the street - from what I understand, Shelby was adopted four or five years ago.

She is an absolutely wonderful dog with an amazing easy-going personality.  She is definitely not a morning dog though - she usually gives me the evil eye when I get out of bed at 7am.  She also enjoys her chew toys and
rawhides.  She has also already figured out how to get treats out of her Kong with little effort - she is a smart one!

I've attached two pictures - one is of her on the rug passed out after an afternoon at Stanley Park and another of her on the sofa.  The ball is just for show though - we were gifted it the first day we went to the off-leash dog park but I have since discovered she is much more of a stick dog.

I hope everyone there is doing well and thank you so much for letting me take Nala home!



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