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A month ago, we were in search of canine familyship and we were cautiously optimistic when we discovered Nikita on the SPCA of Western Quebc’s website.  After a brief introductory walk, our hopes were met and we felt chosen.  On the ride home, she made us feel like the greatest humans ever.  Since that day, she continues to demonstrate tremendous devotion and enjoyment with her new life. 





Knowing that huskies can be demanding in urban settings, we embarked on this endeavour, aware of the challenges that we might face, but Nikita has shown herself to be the perfect addition to our home.  During the week, when we go to work to earn her “bone money”, she passes the time snoozing and watching “Squirrel TV” via our patio doors.  On weekends, we have frequent playdates with her pals down the road.  Her “grandmother’s” house is like a second home and her playmates have become fast friends.




Gradually, we have been learning “husky speak” and Nikita has been very patient in explaining the vocabulary.  “Walkies” is an extremely important word as is “kibbles".  She is learning to like watching football on TV.  Loud cheering has been an adjustment, but she is very helpful with postgame cleanup.  It is hard to believe that she has only been here a month.  We feel very lucky to share our home with her.  She is extremely affectionate and even joins us for group hugs! 








Nikita has made many photo-worthy poses, but dogs are seldom stationary.  Please enjoy these photos of our newest family member.





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