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I'd say he is settling in nicely!  We are going to our vet tomorrow for a check up and to have the stitches removed. I'll report on how that goes. He met our son, daughter-in-law and their English Bull terrier and that went really, really well.






Update July '15

I'm settling in here in Corbeil. Got my stitches out Friday and that was ok.  I'm such a star I'm changing my name. Instead of Zeus you can call me Olaf now. I am more like a hyper snowman than a Greek god. All is good. If only I had a toy to chew it would be perfect.







Update August '15

The pup continues to amaze. We have him away on his first camping trip. He's taken to motorhome life like a duck to water!







Oh it is a natural state for him!  Same motorhome, same husband but with a
67ish pound appendage. It'll work!






Update October '15

I thought I would let you know what I've been up to. They say I'm growing like a bad weed. I'm about 53 pounds now.

It got cold and I helped light the fireplace.

They have a nice house here but they have another house on wheels and we go travelling. They call it camping and say I'm good at it.

We went to a place where there was a big bathtub out in the middle of nowhere. They called it
Lake Huron. I wasn't a fan. It was cold. Not like our warm tub at home. I do like that.

I got bit on the lip by a wasp and got a fat lip. Imagine on my lips lol. But I'm ok now. I went bobbing for ice cubes in a big bowl and it took the swelling down. And the Benadryl hardly slowed me down at all.

All the sun and walking tuckers me right out. I sleep in the bed with my people and on my big pillow and on the special lawn chairs.

I'm being a good boy and like it here. I hope all of my friends at the SPCA are doing well too.







































Update December '15

Hi to all my friends. It's me - Olaf!  Things are going really well up here. But it's kind of weird. There is a tree in the family room!!  I look at it but haven't touched it. Yet.

You guys never told me about clothes. I love them and never ever go anywhere without a shirt. I have a bunch and we have found a lady to knit me more. If they forget to put my shirt on when I get out of bed I carry it around till they help. Hard to put on a shirt with no thumbs!  I have coats too, one for rain and one for cold, if it gets cold. They tell me it's going to get cold here but we'll see.




A guy came in a red suit. I liked him. He brought treats.

We have someone new. Her name is Bristol and I think I like her. She's really really small. I sure hate it when she cries though. I think we'll get on really well when she grows up. She's my grand baby and lives with my buddy Odie. They visit lots. I love Odie.





I'm really happy here and try to be good most of the time. They tell me I'm a counter surfer!  That sounds like fun eh?  Anyway I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thanks for all you do.














Update March '16

Hi Carole and all my friends!  It's me - Olaf!

Yesterday was my birthday and I had CAKE!!  I never get to eat what my people eat but just this once I did. Boy, was it good. Right to the last crumb. Even when my hat fell over my eyes. So now I am 1. Mom tells me in 6 more months I won't be a puppy anymore and will be expected to behave. Lol. She's a funny one.

We have had lots of snow. It finally got here after Christmas and now it's everywhere. Dad keeps some of my trails open but the snow is so high I can hardly see over the edges. Sometimes I stand up on 2 legs like people to spy. I hope the green grass comes back soon. Bet you do too!  I know you've had lots too.

Bristol the grandbaby still isn't allowed to play with me but we're getting closer.  Someday though we'll have fun.

I'm getting soooo big. I hardly fit on laps now but I will still always be a lap dog. I'm a boxer after all.

I'd better go now. It's time to watch the school buses go by and that cute little husky across the street is out on her porch.

Take care.

Love Olaf


















































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