are some pictures of Oliver, “Olie”. The SPCA had named him
Leonard but we changed it to Olie. Olie is a very calm nine
month old Beagle we adopted. He loves to play, loves to snuggle
and goes to bed each evening and sleeps through the evening.

loves his big blue floater he rides on when in the pool. He has
a very large indoor cage as his nesting spot where he goes to bed in
the evening. He loves his peanut butter treat in his Gong.

walk Olie three times a day as we are retired and he gets us out.
He is very smart and easily trainable to sit and come. He does
not bark at other dogs and he is very quiet.

love him and I think he is happy to be in his new home. The vet
said he is in great shape and on Friday he will be getting his booster

you for taking care of him and introducing us to Olie on your website.
the Best
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