As you know I adopted Oliver the Terrier/Poodle a week ago. On
our first day he felt right at home jumping right up on the couch and
taking a nap after his big drive home. He is very polite.
He's met many people, dogs, and even cats! We went to the vet
the very next day for which he got a clean bill of health. There
are very minimal behavioral problems which are coming along very

Today we went to the groomers which was only mildly traumatic but she
assures me that if we keep giving Oliver encouragement he'll
eventually be able to face the "evil hair dryer" :) Just thought
you would like to see his before and after.
Please pass this on to the staff in Gatineau with my and Oliver's
special thank you for bringing us together. We are going to be forever
Dani and Oliver
Update October '12
Oliver has since gotten a haircut, met lots of new friends, and
gathered up lots of new toys since we first got him home. He's
developed a very interesting and quirky personality. His best
friends are myself and especially my nephew because he's Oliver's size
so they love to play together. He has been entered in the
Brockville's cutest pet contest and with six days left he is currently
in first place. It's no surprise considering Oliver has never
met anyone that didn't think he was cute. If he wins I will let
you know.

This is the photo we are using for cutest pet.

Waiting to go for his walk so patiently.

Nothing he loves more than laying upside down so you can rub his

Sometimes he tries to stop me from getting ready for work so he can
spend more time with me.

Getting prepared for Halloween and trying out his new sweater.

Update November '12
So as you know, Oliver was in a cutest pet contest here in Brockville
HE WON!!!!

The prize was a photo shoot with a local photographer and of course
owning the title. Here's a couple of photos that were edited
from his day in the limelight :)

Update December '12
Oliver had a little trip to our local mall where they were hosting pet
photos with Santa. He was a little nervous about the guy with
the giant beard but after being offered a treat he was Santa's best
friend. Due to copyright I couldn't get the actual picture
copied. However, here is a picture of the picture haha. He's a
very brave boy.
Thank you and God bless for everything!!! :)

Update September '13
Hey there!!
Do you remember Oliver???
It's been one year since you brought us together and I thought you'd
like to see some pics of what this boy has been up to!!
He's been a model for my photography...and if you happen to recall was
named cutest pet 2012 back in October by Know Brockville Community

He has been getting acquainted with the new members of the family.
My nephew Izaac just adores Oliver's fluffy head.

He's sucking up to grandma as we all know the grandkids are good at
haha! She spoils him rotten.

Two months ago we moved into an apartment. He obviously was a
little nervous but soon found a couch to call his own :)
of course he's always been the best guy to go for when you wanna just
I'm sure Oliver agrees that if it wasn't for you we would both have
entirely different lives. I don't think we could possibly be as
happy as
we are together.
Thanks again so much for all that you do. You really do change
people's lives for the better. And I think I can speak for both
of us in saying that we are eternally grateful.
Much love!
Update September '14
My sister
just recently had a baby boy and Oliver gets along with him
fantastically however, for your amusement, poor Oliver has a little
trouble sharing attention...
He works very hard to be a good boy though. He never lets you know
when he's begging by avoiding eye contact.
I'm so thankful to everyone at your facility for bringing us together.
I could never imagine living an ordinary life without him.

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