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Oscar is doing great and we are enjoying him immensely.  The only problem is that he is a bit rough on our other cat, Jeffy, who is 9 years old.  Jeffy only has one eye and Oscar takes advantage of that.  Luckily once the weather is nice, Jeffy likes to spend a lot of time outside.




We took Oscar to the Vet for his rabies shot and the vet said he is doing well.  He is very active and curious so that lets us know he is well.  He likes to help me fold laundry, pretty much everything he likes to try to lend a hand.  He would love to go outside but we can't let him as we live on a very busy road.





We may be moving back to BC but Oscar will come with us, he is part of our family now :-).





All the best,

Laurel, Vern and Sam




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